
The 10th International Conference on E-business, Management and Economics (ICEME 2019)

Sponsored by Beijing University of Technology, The 10th International Conference on E-business, Management and Economics (ICEME 2019) has been held in Beijing Guangxi Hotel Plaza, Beijing, China from July 15 to 17, 2019. This year's conference attended by more than 80 participants, bringing together many of the leading experts in the field of E-business, Management and Economics. Marking the 10th anniversary of ICEME memorable! All accepted and presented excellent papers have been published in the International Conference Proceedings Series by ACM, (ISBN: 978-1-4503-7219-0), which has been archived in the ACM Digital Library, and will be indexed by EI Compendex and Scopus.

On behalf of the conference committee, we would like to thank all the authors as well as the program committee members and reviewers. Their high competence, their enthusiasm, their time and expertise knowledge, enabled us to prepare the high quality final program and helped to make the conference a successful event. We hope that all participants and other interested readers benefit scientifically from the proceedings and also find it stimulating in this process. Finally, we would like to wish you success in your technical research and social networking. Here, we share some conference photos.

Prof. Jin Wang , Valdosta State University, USA Prof. Quanlin Li , Beijing University of Technology, China
Prof. Andrew Lepone, Macquarie University, Australia Prof. Wen Zhang, Beijing University of Technology, China
Prof. Qiwei Xie, Beijing University of Technology, China Assoc. Prof. Shuo Xu, Beijing University of Technology, China

We have invited 6 respectable professors to deliver an unusual keynote address at the plenary meeting, consisting of Prof. Jin Wang , Valdosta State University, USA, Prof. Quanlin Li , Beijing University of Technology, China, Prof. Andrew Lepone, Macquarie University, Australia, Prof. Wen Zhang, Beijing University of Technology, China, Prof. Qiwei Xie, Beijing University of Technology, China and Assoc. Prof. Shuo Xu, Beijing University of Technology, China to share their latest researches, related to Data Science for Business, A Complete Algebraic Solution for Optimal Dynamic Policy in Inventory Rationing across Multiple Demand Classes, Trading Behaviour around Information Leakage on Analyst Recommendations, Feature Weighted Confidence to Incorporate Prior Knowledge with Support Vector Machines for Text Classification, Carbon Emissions, Emerging Research Topic Detection with Multiple Machine Learning Models.

Technical Sessions and Best Presentaion Winners (Partly)



Poster Session

After plenary session, there were 6 technical sessions. The topics were related to Econometrics and Statistics, Marketing Management and Research, E-government and E-commerce, Supply Chain and Information Technology Management, etc. After sessions ends, six best presenter awards were selected based on papers' content, presentation skill, etc.


Excellent Oral Presentations

S1-BP-UJ2058-Asemeh Gholamrezapour Amiri
A Mixture Approach with Some Bayesian Models: Application to Determining Effective Variables of Fiscal and Monetary Policy on Economic Growth
Asemeh Gholamrezapour Amiri
Beijing University of Technology, China

S2-BP-UJ3015-A-Saeed Shobeiri
Presentation Title: How Could Collaborative Consumption Principles Facilitate Consumer Transformation?
Presenter: Saeed Shobeiri, University of Sherbrooke, Canada

S-BP-JU0019-Qunfeng Liao
Presentation Title: The Effect of Family Firm on Brand Value Creation
Presenter: Qunfeng Liao, Oakland University, USA

S3-BP-UJ2038-Arnold Pabian
Presentation Title: Preferences and behaviours of Internet users in Poland E-business perspective
Presenter: Arnold Pabian, Czestochowa University of Technology Management Faculty, Poland

S4-BP-UJ2090-Bambang Leo Handoko
Presentation Title: Comparison of Marketing Sales of Potato Products in Indonesia
Presenter: Bambang Leo Handoko, Bina Nusantara University, Indonesia

S5-BP-UJ0017-A-Youssef Chetioui
Does Effective Use of CRM Technologies Impact Customer Retention in the Hospitality Industry? Evidence from an Emerging Market
Youssef Chetioui
AL Akhawayn University In Ifrane, Morocco

S6-BP-UJ0016-A-Hind Lebdaoui
Risk and Efficiency convergence in Emerging Markets-Evidence from the MENA Region
Hind Lebdaoui
AL Akhawayn University, Morocco



Conference Proceedings Cover


ACM Digital Library  ISBN: 978-1-4503-7219-0

Indexed by Ei Compendex


Indexed by Scopus