
Conference Awards


Young Researchers Travel Awards 青年学者鼓励金
Young researchers and Ph.D. students are invited to apply for admission to the doctoral consortium to be held at the ICEME 2025 Conference, Beijing, China, July 11-13, 2025.

ICEME 2025  will implement the for Ph.D. students to encourage a group of young scientific and technological talents who have emerged in scientific and technological innovation activities and made outstanding contributions.

Winners will receive certificates and prizes.
▪ The names of award winners will be announced in conference website.
▪ Certificates for all individual authors.
▪ 2000 RMB for China young researcher
▪ 300 USD for non-China young researcher

1-2 Young researchers that qualify for the grants will be provided full of the award at ICEME 2025 Conference.
1-2名获得资助的年轻研究人员将在ICEME 2025 大会上获得以上奖励。

Candidate qualification: Everyone within the age of 40 with a doctor degree is eligible for Young Scientist Award. Application could be made during registration. The applicant is required to submit representative publications (up to 3) and full CV for judges to review. All publications need to provide impact factor, citation and major research contribution.
候选资格:参选人为ICEME 2025 当届投稿作者,需完成会议注册,年龄不满40周岁。符合条件的相关作者,请提交至少3篇具有代表性的出版物(需为第一作者,需具备影响因子和说明主要突出贡献)以及个人最新简历一份(附上照片)。

Application Deadline: May 25, 2025 | 奖项申请截止日期:2025年5月25日
Notification Deadline: June 25, 2025 | 奖项申请截止日期:2025年6月25日

Best Student Paper Award | 优秀学生论文奖
1. For university students only. 仅针对在校大学生
2. The first author of the paper registered. 注册文章第一作者
3. Oral /Online Presentation Type. 做口头或者线上报告的演讲形式
4. Winners will be selected by the Program Committee. 程序委员会将评选出优秀学生论文

▪ The names of award winners will be announced in conference website.
▪ Certificates for all individual authors.
▪ Special Bonus

Best Oral/Online Presentation Award | 最佳现场口头或者线上口头报告奖
For every session, one best oral /Live presentation will be selected by session chairs according to the originality, applicability, Technical Merit, PPT and Presentation.

▪ The names of award winners will be announced in conference website.
▪ Best presentation certificate for presenter.
▪ Enjoy half discount registration for ICEME 2026.